**Since the GIFs are not getting played in Microsoft Word, im using WordPress in order to complete the task given by Prof. Rutu Ladage.**
14 things that foreigners deem about Indians which arent true:

1. India is poor– What would make them think that India is a poor country? Oh it would have unless it wouldnt have been on rank number 3 in the most number of billionaires.

2. All Indians are Hindu– Maybe they dont know that India has many castes & subcastes & religions in it. Maybe they havent heard about Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, etc.

3.  India is not multilingual– Okay people you havent really visited India & havent explored our places. Dont mind giving y’all a short demo of series of various languages. Up for it?

4.  India has no electricity– Yes there are many rural places in India which face this problem of electricity shortage but its absolutely false that India has no electricity.

5. Indians dont speak English– You guys are highly mistaken. The fact that we Indians dont speak English is hilariously untrue. English is our second language, sir!

6. Cricket is a version of baseball– Haha! Cricket is that game in India which gains crores of audiences in front of their TV sets. Even when its not the national game of our country, people in here love to watch cricket more than any other game. Yes thats true.

7. Indian food has only curry & is spicy– India has a lot many special dishes. Rather you’d get different & variety of special dishes when you visit different states. We have lot more than just curry & we are no less superb in things other than spicy.

8. India is always dirty, smelly crowded– There, right there you go wrong. India is a land of tourist destination. We have amazingly beautiful places which are clean & wonderful & yes its crowdy because we always have people who visit us.

9. India is technologically ignorant & underdeveloped– What do you really know about India then?

10. Culturally we are not modern– India has the richest culture & our traditional culture has a spice of pop culture everywhere in every state. So India being culturally old is just not true.

11. We arent fair– Oh yes, we arent fair like Americans but we have our own Indian shade which distinguishes us from the rest.

12. We eat only with our hands– We have pretty good eating etiquettes & yes eating with hands is our culture & we wont repudiate it. This dosent make us any less sophisticated or more ill mannered.

13. All South Indians are black– Maybe you should visit South India once & meet each & every person out there if thats what takes you to change your opinion. We arent racist to distinguish amongst the blacks & the whites. No whites are superior to the blacks in India.

14. We are just from IT & Engineering– No you are wrong. We have experts from various fields like Arts, Sports, Literature, Accounts etc. No doubt we excel in every field.

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